Help recover ocean bound plastic

By supporting Plastic Bank, with your Currensea savings, you are supporting the recovery and recycling of plastic which would normally end up in the ocean.

By supporting, we allow you to help reduce plastic in the ocean every time you spend with your Currensea travel debit card while improving the lives of those who help collect it. Helping you support causes you care about, automatically, allowing you to give back when you travel.

How it works

Donated contributions
You can choose to contribute a percentage of your savings you make using Currensea to recover and recycle ocean bound plastic.
For every £1 contributed, we’ll support Plastic Bank in recovering 100 plastic bottles on your behalf.

For example, if you choose to contribute one-third of your savings and you spend $125 on a family theme park tickets in Orlando, we’ll support Plastic bank in recovering and recycling 100 ocean bound plastic bottles on your behalf.

You can keep track of how many bottles you’ve recovered on the Currensea app or personalised dashboard.

What are the specific projects?

Plastic Bank has several projects with over 21k collectors in total, which have already removed the equivalent of:

Currensea is working with Plastic Bank to remove ocean bound plastic water bottles
Currensea is working with Plastic Bank to remove  coffee cup lids from our oceans
Currensea is working with Plastic Bank to remove plastic straws from our oceans

Download the app to get your card

Get the app

Currensea is a mobile app, so you must download the app.

Link to your bank

Connect your Currensea card to your existing bank account.

Spend and save on FX fees

We debit your bank account when you spend, and will notify you of savings.