Statue of Liberty, New York
How we compare

£139 saved in New York


Using your Currensea travel debit card in New York will remove bank fees, giving you a better exchange rate than the high street banks. It could save you £139 on average¹.


Holiday spend breakdown

Based on a week long trip to New York for two adults

Four-star hotel, including weekend checkout


Local ATM at the weekend


Breakfast, lunch and dinner


Taxis and public transport


Daily refreshments inc coffee, soft drinks and ice cream


Entertainment including excursions, museums and galleries 


Local ATM midweek


Drinks and evening entertainment


Shopping and souvenirs




The Comparison

See how using a Currensea card to spend abroad stacks up against high street banks.

Essential card


Subscription free


Total FX charges

Royal Bank of Scotland
Lloyds Bank

Find out how we calculated costs for other methods of spend abroad here

Lose the bank FX fees. Spend in 180 currencies.


Big savings in Greece for a week

Disneyworld, Florida

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Spend and save on a holiday in Spain

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¹We calculate the average cost that the high street banks included in the table above would add to your transactions overseas. We then subtract the cost whilst using Currensea, giving the savings of £139, whilst spending $7,195 during a week long trip in New York for two.

Download the app to get your card

Get the app

Currensea is a mobile app, so you must download the app.

Link to your bank

Connect your Currensea card to your existing bank account.

Spend and save on FX fees

We debit your bank account when you spend, and will notify you of savings.