Founders4Schools powered by Currensea and MasterCard

An easier way to donate to a cause you care about

Powered by Currensea and MasterCard

Founders4Schools charity debit card
Round-up your spend with your Founders4Schools charity debit card

Round-up to the nearest 5p or 10p

Donate pennies with every spend you make, by rounding up on each purchase. This can be done easily via direct debit.

How do Currensea charity cards work?

Currensea makes donating money simple

Founders4Schools charity debit card
Founders4Schools charity debit card connects to your existing bank account

Connects to your
existing bank account

  • Currensea is the layer in front of your current bank account
  • It saves you at least 85% in bank on every foreign transaction
  • Gives you extra security and makes your bank work that bit harder for you
Currensea uses online banking

Currensea uses
online banking

  • Your bank uses online banking to allow you to connect your Founders4Schools charity debit card safely and securely
  • No new bank account needed - all you need to do is link your new Founders4Schools charity debit card to your existing debit account when you sign up
  • Transactions are protected by Mastercard's 120-day chargeback protection
Spend with your new Founders4Schools charity debit card

Spend with your
new card

  • Donate pennies with your everyday purchases
  • Manage and track your donations via our app
  • When you spend, Currensea collects the funds from your bank account via Direct Debit

Currensea's connected banks

Currensea works with all major UK high-street banks
Currensea connects to all the major UK banks

Currensea is rated Excellent on Trustpilot

Currensea is rated 'Excellent on Trustpilot with a score of 4.8/5 from thousands of reviews!
Save abroad with your new Founders4Schools charity debit card

Your new card will save you money when abroad!

You will no longer need to pay the normal bank fees when travelling abroad. Instead you keep that saving yourself OR donate it to Founders4Schools. Best of both worlds!

About Founders4Schools

Founders4Schools is a UK careers education charity which improves the employment prospects of people under the age of 25 by ensuring these business role model encounters are accessible to all, without barriers.

Through our services we connect young people with a diverse network of role models, educating them on the huge range of career pathways available, raising their aspirations, instilling self-belief, and offering insight into the rapid changes in the emerging world of work. 

Founders4Schools charity debit card
Using the Currensea app

Have full control using the Currensea App

Download Currensea's easy-to-use app and donate to Founders4Schools as much or as little as you want per purchase. Currensea's app experience is much easier than you’d ever imagined.

Currensea is Authorised by the FCA
Currensea is rated 'excellent' on Trustpilot
All purchases made on your Founders4Schools charity debit card are protected by Mastercard Chargeback Protection